![]() | 姓名: 廖人宽 |
性别: 男 | |
职称: 教授 | |
职务: 无 | |
Email:renkuanliao@163.com | |
办公电话: | |
办公地址: 资环楼四区223室 |
2005.09-2009.07 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 工学学士
2009.09-2015.07 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 硕博连读 工学博士
其中:2011.09-2012.09 中国科学院 生态环境研究中心 博士联合培养
2013.09-2014.11 美国康奈尔大学 生物与环境工程学院 博士联合培养
2015.07-2017.12 中国水利水电科学研究院 水利研究所 工程师
2017.12-2021.03 中国水利水电科学研究院 水利研究所 高级工程师
其中:2016.11-2020.08 天津大学 化工学院 博士后
2018.08-2020.08 美国康奈尔大学 生物与环境工程学院 博士后
2021.03- 中国农业大学 土地科学与技术学院 教授
SCI期刊Water(IF: 2.544, ISSN 2073-4441)Guest Editor(2021-)
SCI期刊Agriculture(IF: 2.072, ISSN 2077-0472)Guest Editor(2021-)
1. 土根系统水肥调控与模拟
2. 节水灌溉理论与技术
3. 生物纳米工程系统与环境示踪
4. 水土环境污染防治
5. 土壤改良与化学修复
中国农业大学 “杰出人才” 引进(2021)
中国农业节水和农村供水技术协会 “农业节水技术奖” 一等奖(2018)排名11
北京市水利学会 “水务科学技术奖” 三等奖(2016)排名4
教育部 “研究生国家奖学金”(2015)
中国农业大学 “一等学业奖学金”(2015)
教育部 “博士研究生学术新人奖”(2012)
1. 中国农业大学杰出人才引进项目 “设施农田土根系统水肥调控与环境示踪技术” (2021-2025)
2. “十三五” 国家重点研发项目课题 “设施农田水肥优化管理标准化技术模式” (2016-2020)
3. 国家自然科学青年基金 “果园土壤水分有效性对不同微灌模式的响应机制及调控” (2016-2019)
4. 中国博士后基金一等资助 “新型DNA纳米示踪系统的构建及其运移动力学研究” (2016-2019)
5. 中国水科院青年专项基金项目 “覆膜滴灌樱桃树水分利用根-冠调控机制研究” (2018-2019)
6. 人社部留学人员科技择优项目 “不同微灌方式对果园土壤水分利用效率的影响” (2015-2017)
截止2021年3月,发表学术论文50余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者身份在Nano Today(IF=16.9), Chemical Engineering Journal(IF=10.7), Water Research(Nature index刊源,IF=9.1), Environmental Science & Technology(Nature index刊源,IF=7.9), Agricultural Water Management, Soil Science Society of America Journal和European Journal of Soil Science等纳米技术、环境工程、农业水土工程和土壤科学国际权威学术期刊上发表SCI检索文章21篇(一作20篇, 通讯1篇; 其中1区top期刊13篇); 第一或通讯作者发表文章的总IF(影响因子)为109, 单篇平均IF为5.2。申请国家专利12项(授权5项), 参编技术标准5项(发布3项), 参编专著4部(出版1部)。
1. Renkuan Liao, Shirui Zhang, Xin Zhang, Mingfei Wang, Huarui Wu* & Lili Zhangzhong* (2021). Development of a smart irrigation system based on real-time soil moisture data in a greenhouse: Proof of concept. Agricultural Water Management, 106632.
1. Renkuan Liao, Feng Zhao, Shogo Hamada, Peiling Yang, Huan Xu, Dan Luo* & Dayong Yang* (2020). DNA-based engineering system for improving human and environmental health: identification, detection, and treatment. Nano Today, 35, 100958.
2. Renkuan Liao, Jiaojiao Zhang, Taotao Li, DanLuo* & DayongYang* (2020). Biopolymer/plasmid DNA microspheres as tracers for multiplexed hydrological investigation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 401, 126035.
3. Renkuan Liao, Zhengyuan Jin, Minghong Chen & Shuqin Li* (2020). An integrated approach for enhancing the overall performance of constructed wetlands in urban areas. Water Research, 187, 116443.
4. Renkuan Liao, Jieyun Hu, Yunkai Li & Shuqin Li* (2020). Phosphorus transport in riverbed sediments and related adsorption and desorption characteristics in the Beiyun River, China. Environmental Pollution, 266, 115153.
5. Wenyong Wu, Renkuan Liao*, Yaqi Hu, Hao Wang, Honglu Liu & Shiyang Yin (2020). Quantitative assessment of groundwater pollution risk in reclaimed water irrigation areas of northern China. Environmental Pollution, 261, 114173. (corresponding author)
6. Renkuan Liao, Haoliang Yu & Peiling Yang* (2020). Multifractal analysis of soil particle size distribution to evaluate the effects of gypsum on the quality of sodic soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 1-16.
7. Renkuan Liao, Haoliang Yu, Peiling Yang* & Henry Lin* (2020). Quantitative evaluation of pore characteristics of sodic soils reclaimed by flue gas desulphurization gypsum using X‐ray computed tomography. Land Degradation & Development, 31, 545-556.
1. Renkuan Liao, Wenyong Wu*, Yaqi Hu, Qiannan Huang & Hua Yan (2019). Quantifying moisture availability in soil profiles of cherry orchards under different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 225, 105780.
2. Renkuan Liao, Wenyong Wu*, Yaqi Hu, Di Xu, Qiannan Huang & Shiyu Wang (2019). Micro-irrigation strategies to improve water-use efficiency of cherry trees in Northern China. Agricultural Water Management, 221, 388-396.
3. Renkuan Liao, Haoliang Yu, Henry Lin & Peiling Yang* (2019). A quantitative study on three-dimensional pore parameters and physical properties of sodic soils restored by FGD gypsum and leaching water. Journal of Environmental Management, 248, 109303.
1. Renkuan Liao, Peiling Yang, Wenyong Wu, Dan Luo* & Dayong Yang* (2018). A DNA tracer system for hydrological environment investigations. Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 1695-1703.
2. Renkuan Liao, Peiling Yang*, Yuanhao Zhu, Wenyong Wu & Shumei Ren (2018). Modeling soil water flow and quantification of root water extraction from different soil layers under multi-chemicals application in dry land field. Agricultural Water Management, 203, 75–86.
3. Renkuan Liao, Peiling Yang*, Zhenhua Wang, Wenyong Wu & Shumei Ren (2018). Development of a soil water movement model for the superabsorbent polymer application. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82, 436-446.
4. Renkuan Liao, Peiling Yang*, Haoliang Yu, Wenyong Wu* & Shumei Ren (2018). Establishing and validating a root water uptake model under the effects of Superabsorbent polymers. Land Degradation & Development, 1-11.
5. Renkuan Liao, Lili Zhangzhong, Peiling Yang*, Wenyong Wu & Zhicheng Zhang (2018). Physiological regulation mechanism of multi-chemicals on water transport and use efficiency in soil-maize system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 1289-1297.
1. Renkuan Liao, Peiling Yang* & Yuanhao Zhu (2017). Effect of superabsorbent polymer on root water uptake and quantification of water uptake from soil profile in dry land. Soil Use & Management, 33, 1-5.
2. Renkuan Liao, Wenyong Wu, Shumei Ren & Peiling Yang* (2016). Effects of superabsorbent polymers on the hydraulic parameters and water retention properties of soil. Journal of Nanomaterials, 9, 1-11.
3. Renkuan Liao, Peiling Yang*, Wenyong Wu & Shumei Ren (2016). An inverse method to estimate the root water uptake source-sink term in soil water transport equation under the effect of superabsorbent polymer. PLoS ONE, 11, e0159936.
4. Renkuan Liao, Shumei Ren & Peiling Yang* (2015). Multi-chemical regulation technology applied to dryland maize (Zea Mays L.) production in Northern China. Transactions of the ASABE, 58, 1535-1546.
5. Renkuan Liao, Shumei Ren & Peiling Yang* (2014). Quantitative fractal evaluation of herbicide effects on the water-absorbing capacity of superabsorbent polymers. Journal of Nanomaterials, 10, 1-9.
6. 廖人宽, 张志成, 任树梅, 程闯胜, 杨培岭* (2014). 化学集成调控技术对土壤水氮与玉米产量的影响. 农业机械学报, 45: 166-171.
7. 廖人宽, 杨培岭*, 任树梅, 易杭, 周博 (2013). PAM和SAP防治库区坡地肥料污染试验. 农业机械学报, 44: 113-120.
8. 廖人宽, 杨培岭*, 任树梅, 程闯胜, 李云开 (2013).农用除草剂对土壤保水剂吸液性能的影响. 农业工程学报, 29: 125-132.
9. 廖人宽, 杨培岭*, 任树梅 (2012).高吸水树脂保水剂提高肥效及减少农业面源污染. 农业工程学报, 28: 1-10.
1. 杨培岭; 廖人宽; 任树梅; 李云开; 杨元辉; 化相国. 一种防治坡地农业面源污染的方法. CN201210541052.0.
2. 杨培岭; 廖人宽; 任树梅. 一种防治梯田肥料污染方法. CN201210541035.7.
3. 杨培岭; 廖人宽; 任树梅; 张钟莉莉. 一种可拆卸简易垂直土柱. CN201320538300.6.
4. 吴文勇; 廖人宽. 一种智能精量灌溉施肥机. CN201720762669.3.
5. 吴文勇; 许迪; 赵永安; 廖人宽; 张健; 王久龙; 柳德明. 一种等流道截面过滤器叠片. CN201510234989.7.
1. 吴文勇; 龚时宏; 廖人宽; 刘洪禄; 杨林林; 杨贵羽; 彭致功; 王珍; 陶万强; 张瑞; 王世升; 吕露; 孙绳军. 果园微灌工程技术规范. DB11/T 1659-2019.
2. 吴文勇; 张栓堂; 廖人宽; 魏飒; 郭泽忠; 郭永晨; 刘凤枝; 刘洪禄; 郝仲勇. 再生水灌溉工程技术规范. DB13/T 2691-2018.
3. 王勇; 吴文勇; 廖人宽; 李兴; 张阳; 张志敏; 王荣莲; 宋日权; 郭富强; 赵全勇; 孙红星; 魏国芳. 再生水灌溉工程技术规范. DB15/T1092-2017.
1. 北京土壤. 中国农业出版社, 2016. 参编.