



2002.09-2006.07 中国科学技术大学 化学系 本科 理学学士

2007.03-2010.02 韩国首尔国立大学 农业生物科技学系 农学硕士

2011.03-2014.11 丹麦哥本哈根大学 土壤与环境学系 理学博士 


2014.12-2015.12  丹麦哥本哈根大学 植物与环境学系 助研

2016.10-2017.12  中国农业大学 资源环境学院 讲师

2018.01-2019.12  中国农业大学 资源环境学院 副教授

2020.01-至今       中国农业大学 土地科学与技术学院 副教授


1. 土壤-肥料-根系交互作用下的碳氮循环

2. 温室气体排放与农业废弃物循环利用


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“土壤-秸秆界面厌氧微域影响N2O产生的机制研究”(2022-2025), 主要负责人

2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题“非常规水源绿地高效节水灌溉技术”(2020-2022), 参与

3. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题“生物炭对土壤有机质的影响机制”(2017-2021), 主要负责人

4. 青年教师创新项目“Spatial Variation In Microbial Processes Controlling greenhouse gas emissions from soil with organic amendments” (2017-2019)


一、 发表文章:    


1. Kun Zhu, Xin Ye, Hongyu Ran, Peixuan Zhang, Gang Wang*. 2022. Contrasting effects of straw and biochar on microscale heterogeneity of soil O2 and pH: Implication for N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, In press.


1.冉洪芋, 叶馨, 朱晓艳, 王钢,朱堃*. 2021. 平面光极基本原理及其在土壤微观异质性研究中的应用. 土壤, 53(5): 916–928.

2.Yang Xinyi, Duan Pengpeng, Li Guitong, Zhao Xiaorong, Lin Qimei, Zhu Kun* 2021. Spatial-heterogeneous granulation of organic amendments and chemical fertilizer stimulated N2O emissions from agricultural soil: An microcosm study. Journal of Environmental Management. 277:111437.

3. Wang Chen, Ma Xuehong, Wang Gang, Li Guitong, Zhu Kun*. 2021. Implication of O2 dynamics for both N2O and CH4 emissions from soil during biological soil disinfestation. Scientific Reports. 11:6590

4. Du MY, Wang L, Ebrahimi A, Chen GW Shu SY, Zhu K, Shen CY, Li BG, Wang G*. 2021. Extracellular polymeric substances induced cell-surface interactions facilitate bacteria transport in saturated porous. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 218: 112291.

5. Chujin Ruan, Xinyao Niu, Guangzhou Xiong, Guowei Chen, Hanqing Wu, Zechao Ma, Kun Zhu, Ying Liu, Gang Wang*. 2021. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the new Bacillus cereus phage SWEP1. Archives of Virology. 166(11):3183-3188.

6. 阮楚晋, 熊广州, 牛欣尧, 陈国炜, 吴汉卿, 马泽超, 朱堃, 刘莹, 王钢*. (2021). 一个东北农田黑土样品宏病毒组的初步分析. 土壤学报. DOI: 10.11766/trxb202104230215.

7. Junhui Yin, Rui Liu, Wenchao Cao, Kun Zhu, Owen Fenton, Jingheng Guo & Qing Chen*. Nitrogen and carbon addition changed nitrous oxide emissions from soil aggregates in straw-incorporated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368 -021-03093-9


1. Yan Wang, Guowei Chen, Yifei Sun, Kun Zhu, Yan Jin, Baoguo Li, Gang Wang*. 2020. Different agricultural practices specify bacterial community compositions in the soil rhizosphere and root zone. Soil Ecology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42832-020-0058-y

2. Lihong Tong, Ling Zhu, Yizhong Lv*, Kun Zhu, Xiayan Liu & Rui Zhao. 2020. Response of organic carbon fractions and microbial community composition of soil aggregates to long-term fertilizations in an intensive greenhouse system. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20: 641–652.

3. Sun Zhencai, Zhang Zhengcheng, Zhu Kun, Wang Zhimin, Zhao Xiaorong, Lin Qimei, Li Guitong*. 2020. Biochar altered native soil organic carbon by changing soil aggregate size distribution and native SOC in aggregates based on an 8-year field experiment. Science of the Total Environment 708, 134829


1. Zhu K., Bruun S., Jensen L. S*. 2016 Nitrogen transformations in and N2O emissions from soil amended with manure solids and nitrification inhibitor. European Journal of Soil Science 67(6): 792-803.

2. Christel W., Zhu K., Hoefer C., Kreuzeder A., Santner J., Bruun S., Magid J., Jensen L. S*. 2016. Spatiotemporal dynamics of phosphorus release, oxygen consumption and greenhouse gas emissions after localised soil amendment with organic fertilisers. Science of The Total Environment. 554-555: 119-129.


1. Zhu K., Larsen M., Glud R. N., Bruun S., Jensen L. S*. 2015. Heterogeneity of O2 dynamics in soil amended with animal manure and implications for greenhouse gas emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 84: 96-106.

2. Sommer Sven G.*; Hjorth Maibritt; Leahy J.J.; Zhu K.; Christel W.; Soerensen C.G.; Sutaryo S. 2015. Pig slurry characteristics, nutrient balance and biogas production as affected by separation and acidification. Journal of Agricultural Science. 153:177-191.


1. Zhu K., Christel W, Bruun S., Jensen L. S*. 2014. The different effects of applying fresh, composted or charred manure on soil N2O emissions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 74: 61-69.

2. Zhu K., Larsen M., Glud R. N., Bruun S., Jensen L. S*. 2014. Spatial oxygen distribution and nitrous oxide emissions from soil after manure application - A novel approach using planar optodes. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43: 1809-1812.


1. Yao H. Q., Choi H. L.*, Zhu K. & Lee J. H. 2011. Key volatile organic compounds emitted from swine nursery house. Atmospheric Environment 45(15): 2577-2584.


1. Yao H. Q., Choi H. L.*, Lee J. H., Suresh A. & Zhu K. 2010. Effect of microclimate on particulate matter, airborne bacteria, and odorous compounds in swine nursery houses. Journal of Animal Science 88(11): 3707-3714.


1. Zhu K., Choi H. L.*, Yao H. Q., Suresh A., Oh D. I. Effects of Anaerobically Digested Pig Slurry Application on Runoff and Leachate. 2009. Chemistry and Ecology. 25(5): 359-369.